Step 6: Using Activeloop Storage

Storing and loading datasets from Activeloop Platform Storage.

How to Use Activeloop-Provided Storage


You can store your Deep Lake Datasets with Activeloop by first creating an account in Activeloop Platform or in the CLI using:

activeloop register


In order for the Python API to authenticate with your account, you should log in from the CLI using:

activeloop login

# Alternatively, you can directly input your username and password in the same line:
# activeloop login -u my_username -p my_password

You can then access or create Deep Lake Datasets by passing the Activeloop Platform path to deeplake.dataset()

import deeplake

platform_path = 'hub://organization_name/dataset_name'
ds = deeplake.dataset(platform_path)

Public datasets such as 'hub://activeloop/mnist-train' can be accessed without logging in.


Once you have an Activeloop account, you can create tokens in Activeloop Platform (Organization Details -> API Tokens) and pass them to python commands that require authentication using:

ds = deeplake.load(platform_path, token = 'xyz')

Last updated

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